Calcium contributes to normal muscle function and normal functioning of digestive enzymes.
Vitamin D contributes to the normal absorption/utilisation of calcium and phosphorus, maintenance of normal blood calcium levels, healthy bone and muscle function, normal teeth.Vitamin K is involved in the maintenance of normal bone structure and normal blood clotting.Vitamin K2 is produced by certain bacteria in the large intestine and may be reduced in old age or during antibiotic treatment.Zinc helps maintain normal bone structure, skin, hair and nails.Manganese helps maintain normal bone structure and connective tissue formation.Vitamin C contributes to the proper formation of collagen and thus to the maintenance of normal blood vessels, skin, teeth, gums, cartilage and bones.Magnesium is involved in maintaining normal bone structure and dentition.Copper is involved in maintaining normal connective tissues.Biotin and zinc are involved in the normal metabolism of macronutrients.Vitamin A anPOUŽÍVANIE (1 dávka = 2 tablets)
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